Monday, June 29, 2009


I have been using Facebook since August 2008. I love being able to read about all the adventures of my friends and family. It has great tools on it to keep track of birthdays, books, movies, pictures, and events. This is my primary method of communicate with my little brother while he is stationed in Japan. He's not a big talker and neither I am so a few chats with on FB is a terrific way of keeping touch.

My library has its own FB page. It's a great way of promoting library programs and services. It would be even better if more people fanned us.

At first FB is overwhelming and I didn't quite understand the attraction, but now after using it for almost a year I find it to be a great resource.

I just got Internet service on my cell phone, so I could access my email and FB accounts, but have found that I prefer the computer screen size much better than the limited screen of my cell.

Even my Mom is on FB, which is really great, however she's pretty hip with technology, so I wasn't really surprised when she joined.

RSS Feeds

If you already have Blog Reader on your toolbar how to you get your feeds to go to the BLog Reader you want to use?
I plan to eventually figure this out, but will save it for another day. Currently, I am copying the URL link into the Reader I am using to suscribe or searching for it with search tool. However I know it would be much simpler just to be able to click on the orange RSS Feed link every time I want to subscribe to a new cite.

I do think RSS Feeds are a great way of synthesizing info all into one spot but its almost as bad as having a ton of email to check. However I think I will like the feeds better than email because I am a visual person I when I just have text I find I miss out on the meaning of some things because there are no visuals.

Blog Readers

Ha, I actually did this without realizing what I was doing. I wanted to stop having to jump back and forth from screen to screen and decided last time I was on to Follow the NorthTexas 23, so I could the new posts as they were available.

I allso added a few feeds I find interesting. Such as The Washington Post Jobs, The Simple Dollar, and an ALA feed which will hopefully be helpful in the future. I plan to add even more RSS feeds so I can unsubscribe to some of the email I don't always get to.

Image Generators

Logocreator was fun. I will defintely use this image generator for more of my work projects.

The Blackboard Generator was neat too. If I worked in a school library this could be a nice addition to a webpage or blog.
I think the image generators would be more useful to me if I worked with creating websites or blogs other than personal ones. But I will defintely keep them in mind for when I am creating posters and flyers at work for the library bookclub and other projects. With going to school online I have found that my desire to spend a lot of time online has dwindled, not that it was really there before.

Flickr 2 Part 2

Trying to do any of the fun things Flickr offers is not easy without signing up for a Flickr account. I don't take lots of pics and am pretty paranoid about what I post on the web even if it supposedly private, so I decided not to sign up for a Flickr account at this time.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Flickr 2

Here is my name as spelled by Flickr.


So after a short hiatus, I am back to tackling the 23 things. Today I took the Flickr tour, which acquainted me with the neat options Flickr has. I create flyers at work and when I am looking for ideas I usually drop by and check out whats on FLickr under the topic of my choice. There are so many terrific photos on Flickr. I have yet to try out their video feature, but that may come in handy.

I found this great image of books as art on Flickr: