Monday, June 29, 2009

RSS Feeds

If you already have Blog Reader on your toolbar how to you get your feeds to go to the BLog Reader you want to use?
I plan to eventually figure this out, but will save it for another day. Currently, I am copying the URL link into the Reader I am using to suscribe or searching for it with search tool. However I know it would be much simpler just to be able to click on the orange RSS Feed link every time I want to subscribe to a new cite.

I do think RSS Feeds are a great way of synthesizing info all into one spot but its almost as bad as having a ton of email to check. However I think I will like the feeds better than email because I am a visual person I when I just have text I find I miss out on the meaning of some things because there are no visuals.

1 comment:

  1. I have used Bloglines for a long time, but tried out Google Reader for this 23 Things, and I think I like it even better --at least it's easier to subscribe to. So I put all my friends blogs on that one and leave Bloglines for professional blogs.
